Health concerns

Here at My Pet Nutritionist, we offer support to many different concerns and disease. We often speak about the top 10 issues but this is not an exhaustive list.

Allergies & Itching

This is our top complaint here at MPN. A multifaceted issue/immune malfunction that can often be genetic or due to poor immune development and as a puppy. We work successfully with these issues although nothing is failsafe and sometimes we work alongside veterinary support.

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We always say here at my pet nutritionist, you can never underestimate how stressful it is to the liver in a 21st century home. This coupled with genetics and other environmental factors can make this a layered issue. We look at all aspects of health including genetic mutations, inflammation, intolerances, and gut health.

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A debilitating structural issue that includes inflammation, degradation, oxidation and lubrication. We consider all areas of health and currently working on a unique supplement to support this issue.

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Approximately 1 in 2 dogs get cancer and 1 in 4 die of cancer. Cancer is a multifaceted disease of which we consider in-depth. We work with ketogenic diets, immune and detoxification support. Although this can be genetic, it's mostly influenced by the environment (nutrition, toxins and stress).

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This is an all too common complaint/disease we see in the clinic with varying degrees of seriousness. We work at core healing, deduce sensitivities and develop diet plans to help manage these issues.

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A disease that often doesn't come accompanied with her issues. We work at detecting nutritional deficiencies and working on regulating the immune response. This can be incredibly successful in conjunction with veterinary support.

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Kidney Disease

A common disease in elderly cats and dogs, although we do see more congenial issues in the young than we did previously. We work with low phosphate diets and a little less traditional than a clinical approach. This often works effectively alongside a well-considered plan..

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Liver Disease

This can come in different forms and we support all diseases of the liver. An all too common issue with an organ that is prepped to metabolise everything that enters and passes through the body. Liver disease tends to come couple with other diseases which is where personalised pans can be transformative.

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A misunderstood disease that is very closely tied to digestion function and possible sensitivities. Core healing and replenishment of the gut, a considered low fat plan and additional support, often sees our clients right.

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Urinary Issues

We deal with a plethora of issues such as infections that can often be reoccurring, stones and bladder issues such as incontinence. Our approach looks at the very core reasons as to why this may occur in the first place. We often find clients can then manage things successfully at home, without constant visits to the vets.

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Book a consultation

We offer a wide variety of one-to-one consultation packages designed to support your pet’s health and identify any causes for concern.
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