Urinary Issues
We deal with a plethora of issues such as infections that can often be reoccurring, stones and bladder issues such as incontinence. Our approach looks at the very core reasons as to why this may occur in the first place. We often find clients can then manage things successfully at home, without constant visits to the vets.
Cats and dogs can be prone to developing urinary ‘stones’ and infection. There are different types of stone composed of different minerals and compounds. Examples of these are struvite, calcium oxalate, urate and cystine.
These stones form due to urine pH, output, genetics and other factors. Your pet can also suffer from a bacterial infection in their urinary system, leading to discomfort in the lower urinary tract. Urinary incontinence, congenital anatomic abnormalities and tumours are amongst other conditions that may affect the urinary tract in cats and dogs.
Our approach isn’t just about following a particular fresh diet but understanding the deeper issues such as poor microbiota, food intolerances, food allergies, gut dysbiosis, hormonal changes and endocrine disruption, that may be the contributing trigger.