
A disease that often doesn't come accompanied with her issues. We work at detecting nutritional deficiencies and working on regulating the immune response. This can be incredibly successful in conjunction with veterinary support.

Hypothyroidism is the natural deficiency of thyroid hormone that regulates your dog's metabolism. This deficiency is produced by immune-mediated destruction of the thyroid gland by natural atrophy of the gland, by dietary deficiencies, or as a congenital problem.

Conversely, hyperthyroidism, commonly found in cats, is metabolism in overdrive, due to the overproduction of hormones. Holistic principles and nutrition offer a tremendous advantage over conventional approaches to thyroid problems because they tend to address the multi-factorial convergence of factors influencing thyroid health.

The approach at MPN is to not look at the thyroid in isolation but to consider adrenal health, gut function, liver function and immunity. We always focus on a natural diet and personalised supplementation in this complex but easily supported disease.

Does My Dog Have a Vitamin Deficiency?

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Why is My Dog Losing His Hair?

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Ultimate Guide: Hypothyroidism

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Why Does My Dog Need Minerals – Part One

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Hyperthyroidism in Cats

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Glyphosate and My Dog

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