Allergies & Itching
This is our top complaint here at MPN. A multifaceted issue/immune malfunction that can often be genetic or due to poor immune development and as a puppy. We work successfully with these issues although nothing is failsafe and sometimes we work alongside veterinary support.
Itching is one of the most prevalent problems seen by vets today. It’s become our life’s work to understand how and why this happens, as we receive clients every day with the same issues.
A complex understanding of the allergic pathophysiology and immunity help us better understand the disease and treat your pet, naturally and successfully. In short, itching and allergies are due to an overactive and underachieving immune system, influenced by genetics and the environment.
At MPN, we understand that regardless of what your dog is reacting to, it’s ultimately about modulating the immune response. We always start from ground zero helping to find the offending culprit, working with a natural diet, possible elimination diets, nutritional deficiency tests, immune support, supplements and many lifestyle changes to help achieve an itch-free pet.